Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Yeah, my favorite fruit is soursop. Do you know it? In my area it's called Nangka Belanda or Sirsak. My favorite one is Honey Soursop, it's so sweet! I like milky soursop juice, an sometimes I add frambozen syrup on the top. And also can eat it directly. If you don't know about soursop, let me introduce it to you!

Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Cuba, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela. The fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. It's very good for our health right? There are many benefits from this fruit. Do you want to know? Okay, I will tell you!

Soursop as an agent for reducing the side effects of chemotherapy
It is important to point here that the efficacy of soursop as an anti-cancer agent does not diminish in any way when you take it with chemotherapy drugs. Besides complementing chemotherapy drugs, soursop also provides relief from their side effects.

  • Chemotherapy drugs have a negative effect on patients’ digestive system. Soursop improves digestive health and provides relief from several digestive problems such as indigestion and constipation
  • Chemotherapy drugs weaken the immune system. Nutrients present in soursop, especially Vitamin C, make the immune system stronger and reduce the risk to infections such as urinary tract infections, cold, and cough
  • Chemotherapy drugs reduce blood cell and platelet count. Soursop improves your blood cells and platelet count
Other health benefits of soursop fruit
Other important health benefits that this fruit provides include:
  • Relief from migraine – Riboflavin present in soursop helps curb migraine headaches
  • Prevents anemia – Soursop is rich in iron, which is useful in the prevention of anemia
  • Treats liver disorders – Soursop juice is known to treat liver disorders. It also provides relief from the inflammation of urethra
  • Maintains bone health – It contains copper, which promotes the absorption of calcium, a nutrient that is essential for good bone health
  • Prevents leg cramps – Potassium present in this fruit is known to be effective in preventing leg cramps
  • Alleviates pain associated with arthritis, joint and back problems, and rheumatism – Soursop has been traditionally used for providing relief from pain associated with the aforementioned conditions
  • Boosts energy levels – Soursop contains thiamine, a compound which improves energy levels
Along with the fruit, the leaves, roots, and barks of the soursop tree also provide numerous health benefits such as:
  • The sap of soursop leaves is administered topically to treat skin rash, eczema, and swelling.
  • Decoction of soursop leaves is used for reducing inflammation and treating swollen feet
  • Decoction of leaves is known to be effective for coughs, fever, dysentery, and head lice
  • Soursop leaves have shown promise in maintaining and lowering blood sugar levels (various animal studies have shown that the extract of soursop leaves can improve the function of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells).
Thank You!!

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