Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our Beloved Keraton Sambas

Hi my lovely readers *hohoho,,,, now, I wanna post about a palace in my hometown, it called Alwatzikhoebillah or Keraton Sambas. It can be one of a decisions for get a holiday trip in my hometown.

Yupp,, my hometown is in Sambas Regency, I live in Tebas exactly, a small village, just around 25 to 30 minutes from the city (Sambas). If you don't know where Sambas is, I will tell you briefly. Sambas is one of the regencies in West Kalimantan, about 4 or 5 hours with motorcycle from Pontianak and if you wanna know it completely you can visit this link ^^....

The palace is located beside the Sambas river. 

 this is the palace forecourt.

 these are the things that will you see inside the palace. Visit it then ^^

and then, these are the photos when I went there with my beloved friends ^^

there, I saw I cat and then I played with him and took some pictures with that cute cat ^^

 The cat's so cute, right?
All of the photos above taken around two years ago,, wew those are my old photos. :D

And the pictures below is taken around six months ago. hehhe It was the last we went there then!!

There's the big mirrors, we took the moments with that mirror then...

That's my story, what's yours? Share with me!!
see you on my next post!!

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