Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tutorial Hijab Paris Again ^^

Hi hi,,, that photo is my next tutorial hijab using paris hijab. I made it when I wanted to go to the campus. I just made a creation with my hijab, it happened accidentally.
the steps: (I use bahasa, to make it easier)

1 - 2. Kenakan hijab paris mu secara menyilang dimana bagian kiri lebih panjang.

3, 4, 5. Bagian yg lebih pnjang, kamu buka, ambil bagian luarnya, lalu dipentul kebagian samping atas. Hingga seperti gambar no.5

6 - 7. bagian hijab yg menggembung, dipentul. Pentulannya seperti gmbar no 7

8 - 9. Sekarang ambil bagian hijab sebelah kanan, lalu dipentul ke bagian kiri.

10. hasilnya seperti no. 10,

11 - 12. Nah, bagian atas sisa hijab itu, di gulung dan dipentul. (usahakan pentul nya ke bagian dalam ya, spaya gak keliatan dr luar)

13. ini nih klo dr blakang.

This is the another result: 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

21 to 22

I don't know what to say, I just feel special today in my b'day hahha.... Ahhh keep silent and make a wish!!

Just wanna be better person that can make the other people happy!! ^^

This photo is taken 12 years ago when I was a student of elementary school. ^^

Thursday, November 21, 2013

NIVEA UV Whitening Serum

This is my first product review. Product review here is the product that I used and my experiences in used the products. I just wanna share it. First thing that I wanna review is about hand and body lotion that I used. Now I use Nivea UV Whitening Serum.

the product claim and info about this product:

1. SPF 25 dan PA++  : protects your skin from sun damaged and darkening
2. Licorice extract helps brighten your skin
3. Vitamin C from Camu Camu dan 95% purity vitamin C derivative as anti oxidant, also help brighten the skin and prevent the skin darkening
4. Hydra IQ and Red Seaweed help moisturize your skin for more than 24 hours.
5. The formula is soft and absorbed quickly in your skin.
6. The fragrance is so soft. *smell's good

7. The most important information is this serum will make your skin looks brighter in 14 days.
This product is water-based product, so the texture is not thick, but liquid. it makes this serum absorbed easily. 
 I love this serum so much ^^
See you!! Bye~

Our Beloved Keraton Sambas

Hi my lovely readers *hohoho,,,, now, I wanna post about a palace in my hometown, it called Alwatzikhoebillah or Keraton Sambas. It can be one of a decisions for get a holiday trip in my hometown.

Yupp,, my hometown is in Sambas Regency, I live in Tebas exactly, a small village, just around 25 to 30 minutes from the city (Sambas). If you don't know where Sambas is, I will tell you briefly. Sambas is one of the regencies in West Kalimantan, about 4 or 5 hours with motorcycle from Pontianak and if you wanna know it completely you can visit this link ^^....

The palace is located beside the Sambas river. 

 this is the palace forecourt.

 these are the things that will you see inside the palace. Visit it then ^^

and then, these are the photos when I went there with my beloved friends ^^

there, I saw I cat and then I played with him and took some pictures with that cute cat ^^

 The cat's so cute, right?
All of the photos above taken around two years ago,, wew those are my old photos. :D

And the pictures below is taken around six months ago. hehhe It was the last we went there then!!

There's the big mirrors, we took the moments with that mirror then...

That's my story, what's yours? Share with me!!
see you on my next post!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dull to Doll

Hi hi hi,,, today I encouraged to post a makeover photo,, hahha it's funny I think!! Do you wanna see it?

*BEFORE (I just used Clean & Clear Active Clear Acne Clearing Cleanser)

The photos above are my faces without any make up,, so ugly -_-, oily, and the acne drives me crazy. But, with make up, the acne and oily on my face is missing hohoho.
After I touched with some make up, this is the result,, tadaaa~

Product used:
  • Oriflame Whitening foundation SPF 15
  • Wardah Acne loose powder
  • Wardah Lightening Two Way Cake
  • Pink and Yellow eyeshadow by MAC
  • Liquid eyeliner by QL
  • Veryme by Oriflame Nightglow pencil eyeliner (I just used white one)
  • Black eyebrow by VIVA
  • Black Mascara by QL
  • Wardah Exclusive Lipstick 37 Pink Lover

Critics and comments are always welcome here. Thanks^^

Tutorial Hijab Paris ^^

Finally I will post my tutorial photos!! you can check the tutorial with the steps here.
Here we go!!!
*Hijab paris is used in all of these tutorials

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Favorite Female Singers

Hi there!!! In this satnite, I just stay at home with my beloved *hohoho,,, how about you? Suddenly, I thought about female singers, and now, I wanna share about my favorite female singers.

1. Demi Lovato

 Demetria Devonne Lovato or most popular with Demi Lovato was born on August 20, 1992, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
You can find her complete information here,,,or you can follow her twiter @ddlovato  see or download her music video here ....
Actually, I knew her from my friend, I got her songs from her. And I thought that her song is good. I tried to download the other songs, photos, movies, and some information of her. All of her songs is good, she is so talented and interesting. If you have watched Princess Protection Program, you can watch Demi and Selena acting there,, they are awesome :* My favorite song of Demi is Heart Attack.

Keep support her!! ^^

2. Selena Gomez

Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992) is my second idol. First song that I knew from Selena is Tell me something I don't Know,,, and I like it. Whoooaaaaa,,, just hear one song and I've just liked her :* .... Find the other information about her here. She has many movies, my favorite one is Monte Carlo, do you ever watch it? That's a great movie. ehhehe
My favorite song is Naturally.  what about you??
Some photos of her:

3. Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda Taylor Cosgrove (born May 14, 1993) is the next idol. First song that I knew is Kissin' U.... If you have watched i-Carly, I'm sure that you know her hehhe. My favorite song is Adored, but there's no music video :(

4. Megan Nicole

I think I told you about her in my last post. I like her, because I like her cover songs, and I'm happy finally she has her own album with her own songs. I think I like all of her cover songs, but my favorite one is Begin Again (Taylor Swift).